Some Buyers and Sellers believe that they can negotiate without the help of a competent REALTOR. I say...probably not. Oh sure, they may get lucky, but the odds are not good. REALTORs are that needed buffer between the buyer and seller. Many buyers don't even want to negotiate face to face with the seller. This works the other way, also. If the buyer wants to low ball an offer, or ask for the dog and antique chandelier, they may hesitate if they meet the seller face to face.
Statistics show that using a REALTOR adds value to the transaction. So I say to you, why not use one? REALTORS are marketing specialists, problem solvers, therapist and information gurus. The six page Residential Agreement to Buy or Sell is not for the faint of heart. Points such as mineral rights, appraisal contingencies, inspection clauses, deposits and financing, as well as closing and occupancy dates are important issues that can make or break a deal. It's hard work.
The purchase agreement is a very important document that needs to be understood completely. You may have to give up that antique chandelier or lose Buffy the pug because you negotiated them away. I have always told my clients that there is no "Jesse James" in most of the transactions. The sellers are not trying to screw a buyer and the buyer is not trying to hold up the seller. Everyone just wants a fair deal. The best deals are when neither party is gloating and both feel some sense of satisfaction. REALTORS are not there to help you burn the other party or to even get you out of a deal, they are there to negotiate a fair and equitable transaction and to make sure all parties stick to it.
Besides, your time is money. Let a REALTOR handle the real estate.
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